Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sawtooth Relay: Team Sofa to Sawtooth: Part 2

So here is the rest of the race.  We are starting over with runner number one, Michele.

Leg 7: "very hard" 6.02 miles DOWN the hill!  Completed in 51 minutes!  We don't have very any pictures of this (or the next couple) legs, due to the fact that Janine (photographer) had to leave the course and rendezvous with Kevin, so that she didn't have to keep driving herself around. 
Sorry Michele, we still love you just as much!  So here is the hand off  (with obligatory high-five) again, and some scenery.
Leg 8:  "moderate" 5.09 miles.  Heather ran this one, very well I might add, in an hour flat!  Here is a beautiful picture of Heather, from the starting line.

Leg 9: "Moderate" 4.64 miles.  Roxanne.  45 minutes.  She really makes the rest of us look bad...Janine made it back just in time to catch the end of her leg.

Leg 10:  Me again!  Get ready for way to many pictures of me!  This one was "moderate" for 6.13 miles.  I had no idea what to expect from myself on this one.  I had never run more than 5 miles at once, and I for sure had never done it 5 hours after running 4 1/2 miles up a (small) hill!  I just kept going...and I made it!  (except for a 5 second stop to remove a rock from inside the back of my shoe!....little bugger)  Took me an hour and 23 minutes.

I added this one for the scenery, not for the beautiful view of my butt.

See me?  The little speck in black?

This photo should be in Runner's World....because I look like a model. 
(Seriously though, see how hard I am working for this last mile?)  Sweaty.  Sexy.

Here is my husband, Kevin, after giving me a big hug. 
He said "I am SO proud of you!"  Kinda makes it all worthwhile. ;)

Glug.....so- thirsty-  glug-glug.

Look at my dad, behind me!  How sweet.

Leg 11:  "Moderate" for 4.97 miles.  Kathy ran this in 54 minutes.  She had a MUCH better run, emotionally.  (She is too hard on herself, in my opinion, anyway.)  She got her iPod to behave.

Awesome form.

Beautiful scenery!

Look!  Kathy is smiling!

Approaching the hand off...

12th (AND FINAL) leg: John (remember, my awesome dad?) 2.64 "very easy" miles on the greenbelt.  This is the reward for having to run the summit in the first half!  We had to send him off and then book to the finish line to meet him....he is a speedy little son of a gun!  There is a staging area arranged so that the whole team can cross the finish line together....we knew we couldn't dilly-dally, or he would beat us!

He hasn't even started yet, and look how FAST he looks?

Here we are!  You can barely see Roxanne, but she is there....see her feet mixed in with Heather's?

We picked up our (awesome) race t-shirts and a goodie bag.  The bag contained coupons for food.....beer, sausages, trout, red potatoes, coleslaw (but they ran out of that before we got there! What-ever!) and strawberry shortcake!  Here we are, all re-assembled as a team.

We weren't organized enough to have brought chairs, so we lounged in the grass. (next year we might remember!)  Check out the awesome Falls Brand polish sausage dog that Dad is eating!

My husband, Kevin and Kathy's husband, Lee.

Roxanne (official team captain) made 2 rules for this race: 1-have fun and 2-no injuries.  It is very safe to say that we all followed both rules!  I am looking forward to doing it again next year!  With that being said, here is our "crazy face" team pic, and our fashionable "sunglasses" team photo. 

Thanks for letting me share all of this with you!

1 comment:

  1. Nice story. Too bad your awesome mom wasn't around.


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